Change Makers

"Permission to leap" 
By: Bri Seeley 
"How to become emotionally invincible" By: Hal Elrod
"How to Execute A Big Idea When You Think You Don't Have The Time" 
By: Life and Whim
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I'm caitlin!


You can usually find me snuggled up with a book or adventuring outside. I live for the little things. My mission: Create positive change in the lives of 1 million people through the power of Presence

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Let's Change The World:

Let's be partners

Are we into the same stuff? Learning, deep conversations, & on a mission to create sustainable change? 
I knew it ;)

What kind of Change Maker are You?

Discover Your Driving Force; the change making super strength hidden within you. 

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* Free Guide: 14-Day OwnYourTime Challenge & Time Tracking Worksheets 

* Courses Created By Dani  

* Clarity Lines (Original Post) & Downloadable Worksheet  

* Follow Thyme Is Honey on Instagram

* Thyme Is Honey Website

Links for this episode:

* How a few minutes of your time can expand your business over 100% in a single year

*Why this simple tool is so versatile & can provide major insights annually, seasonally, even weekly!

* How to identify which tasks in your business are the biggest needle movers

*How to identify tasks that may serve you better by outsourcing

Dive deep into the episode to learn:

As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, it’s so easy to get distracted from our goals or take on too many things all at once. We often spend a lot of time and waste a lot of energy performing tasks that don’t actually bring in the kind of results we are looking for. I know this was definitely true for me, that was until I started really tracking my time and identifying the things that actually created measurable growth for my business.

In this episode you’ll learn from Dani, fellow entrepreneur, podcaster and productivity teacher. This lesson will show you where to direct your time and energy to get the most out of your business right now.

Featuring: Dani @ Thyme Is Honey

A 5-Minute Tool That Can Help You Grow Your Business

"Clarity Lines: My Favorite Exercise for Business Planning and Goals" 

Dani, creator of the popular blog, Thyme Is Honey and host of The Plan Podcast is a former social media strategist turned productivity and hydration coach for entrepreneurs who want to do their best work. Dani designs online courses and products that help you align your work with your wellness.

To learn more about how to work with Dani as your business coach, or to take one of her courses, head to the links below.

About the Author:

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I appreciate the heck out of your time.
I promise to only send you the really good stuff :) 

Thank You! Weekly Wisdom Coming Soon!

Losing Track of Time?
The Easiest Way to Get You Back on Track

Own your time now

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Build A Healthy
Foundation for Life
Upon These 11 Books 


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 Top Resources

I'm Caitlin.
Author, Entrepreneur,
Mindful Mama, &
Your Guide to Living A Sustainable Life

The short story: Mindfulness saved my life. Motherhood gave me my WHY.
Entrepreneurship aligned with my desire for freedom and my mission to create a sustainable lifestyle world-wide. Now, here we are. 

more about me

hey there!

Struggling to Balance Parenthood & Work?

In this guide, I share the ONE thing that allows me to be Both:
Yes! It is possible to be BOTH without losing your sense of self or your sanity! Grab this guide to learn about the one thing that brings me peace, joy, and clarity each day. 

Free guide

How to Balance Parenthood & Entrepreneurship

Your guide to rocking life as an entrepreneur parent is on it's way to your inbox now!

Guiding You to A Sustainable Place of Happiness, Health, and Freedom. 
Love & Adventure Are Encouraged
At All Times.


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