Change Makers

"Permission to leap" 
By: Bri Seeley 
"How to become emotionally invincible" By: Hal Elrod
"How to Execute A Big Idea When You Think You Don't Have The Time" 
By: Life and Whim
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I'm caitlin!


You can usually find me snuggled up with a book or adventuring outside. I live for the little things. My mission: Create positive change in the lives of 1 million people through the power of Presence

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Let's Change The World:

Let's be partners

Are we into the same stuff? Learning, deep conversations, & on a mission to create sustainable change? 
I knew it ;)

What kind of Change Maker are You?

Discover Your Driving Force; the change making super strength hidden within you. 

Take the quiz

*How to Make The Most of Your Time Quiz!

Links for this episode:

* The biggest contributor to feelings of “not enoughness”

*How to break away from feelings of not enoughness & focus on your path

* Why it’s important to trust in divine timing

*The biggest tangible tip to prove just how much you are already doing

Dive Deep Into The Episode to Learn: 

Not where you thought you’d be this week, this month, or even this year? Are you frustrated because you’ve been giving life and work your all and still not sitting where you want to be?

In this episode you’ll learn from Becca Rich, the Holistic Time Coach. Becca dives into 3 mindset shifts we can make right now to help you stop feeling behind and show you, you are exactly where you need to be.


Shift Your Mindset With These 3 Tips

"Want To Stop Feeling Behind In Life & Business"

*“Want to Stop Feeling Behind In Life & Business” (Original Post)

Becca Rich is a holistic time management strategist and coach. She helps online business owners work less and make time freedom a reality. If you want to discover the most impactful actions you can take to use your time better today, head to the links below to take Becca’s quiz, or learn more from her helpful blog articles.

About the Author:

*The Holistic Time Coach Blog

*Connect With Becca Rich On Instagram

*Discover What Kind of Change Maker Are You TAKE THE QUIZ


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Upon These 11 Books 


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I'm Caitlin.
Author, Entrepreneur,
Mindful Mama, &
Your Guide to Living A Sustainable Life

The short story: Mindfulness saved my life. Motherhood gave me my WHY.
Entrepreneurship aligned with my desire for freedom and my mission to create a sustainable lifestyle world-wide. Now, here we are. 

more about me

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Struggling to Balance Parenthood & Work?

In this guide, I share the ONE thing that allows me to be Both:
Yes! It is possible to be BOTH without losing your sense of self or your sanity! Grab this guide to learn about the one thing that brings me peace, joy, and clarity each day. 

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How to Balance Parenthood & Entrepreneurship

Your guide to rocking life as an entrepreneur parent is on it's way to your inbox now!

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