Change Makers

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I'm caitlin!


You can usually find me snuggled up with a book or adventuring outside. I live for the little things. My mission: Create positive change in the lives of 1 million people through the power of Presence

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* Connect With Scott on Instagram 

* Scott Spears Website    

Links for this episode:

* The number one time management task that highly successful people do each week

*Why it’s necessary to plan for personal activities/ not just work activities & how to do it

* How to identify your time killers and what to do about them

* The number one time management task that highly successful people do each week

*Why it’s necessary to plan for personal activities/ not just work activities & how to do it

* How to identify your time killers and what to do about them

Dive Deep Into The Episode to Learn: 

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week. But how we use that time, well that ranges quite a bit. From emails, to errands, zoom calls, to play dates, our day to day list of to do’s can get rather lengthy.

Now let’s be clear about one thing: busyness does not equal productivity & down time does not equal laziness.

Today we will learn from Scott Spears, 5 Simple and Easy to Implement Tips for us to manage our time to make sure we leave space for work, fun, and everything in between.

Featuring:  Scott Spears 

How Successful We Are =
How We Manage Our Time

"5 Tips for Time Management"

Scott Spears specializes in assisting businesses and individuals via Time Management consulting.
Being a past victim of burnout to the point where he actually died, his journey to recovery helped him develop a personalized growth roadmap entitled TIME | LIFE | SELF which now helps others realize their goals through organization and wellness practices.
Scott has traveled the world for the past 30 years, living in 52 countries, serving in 2 combat tours including the delivery of regional and global projects as a global consultant.

Additionally, Scott offers Leadership Transformation services helping executives and managers take their organization to the next level of performance, productivity and profitability by consulting in next generational strategies, planning and pivoting in COVID / post COVID eras.

To learn more from Scott and connect with his work, head to the links below.

About the Author:

* Connect With Scott On Facebook

* I’ll make you a ninja time management master: Join me for 8 Weeks of Action!


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I'm Caitlin.
Author, Entrepreneur,
Mindful Mama, &
Your Guide to Living A Sustainable Life

The short story: Mindfulness saved my life. Motherhood gave me my WHY.
Entrepreneurship aligned with my desire for freedom and my mission to create a sustainable lifestyle world-wide. Now, here we are. 

more about me

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Struggling to Balance Parenthood & Work?

In this guide, I share the ONE thing that allows me to be Both:
Yes! It is possible to be BOTH without losing your sense of self or your sanity! Grab this guide to learn about the one thing that brings me peace, joy, and clarity each day. 

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